
General Mills(2013年发布:通用磨坊)

Quick D-Livery(快速D-交付)Silver and Metalflake Blue, Pillsbury deco on sides and rear(银色和金属片蓝色,侧面和后部采用Pillsbury装饰)White-Wall RR5SP
Packin' Pacer(打包起搏器)Metalflake Red, Totino's deco on sides and hood(金属片红,侧面和风帽采用托蒂诺装饰)White-Wall SRR
Haulin' Gas(运输天然气)White, w/Turquoise roof, Green Giant deco on sides and rear(白色,绿松石色车顶,两侧和后部采用绿色巨型装饰)White-Wall RR10SP
Custom '52 Chevy(定制'52雪佛兰)Yellow, w/Blue roof, Blue and Light Blue stripes on fenders and hood, Cheerios deco on sides and rear(黄色,带蓝色车顶,挡泥板和发动机罩上有蓝色和浅蓝色条纹,侧面和后部有Cheerios装饰)Yellow-Line LW5
'49 Ford C.O.E.('49福特C.O.E。)Orange, Kix deco on sides and rear(橙色,两侧和后部采用Kix装饰)Orange-Line DISH
Super Van(超级货车)Yellow, Red roof, Old El Paso deco on sides and rear(黄色、红色车顶,两侧和后部采用旧ElPaso装饰)Redline DDRR